Tag Archives: Best Of 2009

Food Glorious Food

I’m participating in the Best Of 2009 Blog Challenge.  Every day this month, I write something different about what’s happened this year.  Here’s a belated post about my insight of 2009: it should have been written two days ago, but we are staying at the in-laws’ and I’m forced to be sociable and away from the computer.

David is a fussy eater.

Let me clarify that.  David eats four things: garlic bread, sausages, chocolate buttons, and Ella’s Kitchen fruit pouches.  David will not touch fresh fruit or vegetables, never mind put them in his mouth: they might bite back!  Rice?  Pasta?  Anything that might be served with a sauce or have a sauce touch it?  No way.  (Yep, he’s his mother’s son!)

Until last week, Joe and I could reassure ourselves that “food is for fun until one”.  We kept offering fresh fruit and vegetables, pasta, rice, different kinds of meat…  He would poke at them, look disgusted, and throw them on the floor, mostly before they’d been anywhere near his mouth.  We tried bribery: “Put this piece of banana in your mouth and you can have a chocolate button!”.  We tried letting him get on with it: more food ended up on the floor and none was eaten.  We tried all-out war: “You WILL eat this risotto.  Here’s a lovely spoonful…”.  It was spat out.  As a result, he “topped up” on milk, to the point where most of his diet was milk, with a few snacks thrown in.  He wasn’t sleeping as well as he should, he was waking up screaming hungry in the morning, and he was refusing to eat anything solid.

Two days ago, I did something mean, nasty and awful.  I took his milk away.

Not completely away, you understand.  I know that he still needs it for growth and development and vitamins.  We just drastically reduced the amount he drinks overnight.  We don’t offer it an hour before a meal or half an hour after: if he’s thirsty, he can drink water or juice.  We offer it in the newborn-sized Avent bottles, and when he finishes it he can have water, unless he’s desparate.  We’ve set ourselves the target of 5-600ml/day, and we’ve got there straight away.  David, as you can imagine, is unimpressed with this state of affairs, but still doing really rather well.

This morning, he got up with Joe, and for breakfast he ate a whole croissant and a serving of plain yoghurt with pureed blueberries and blackberries.  Half-way through this morning, he decided he was hungry, so ate a fruit pouch, two breadsticks, and a biscuit, and drank half a cup of juice.  At lunch he tried quiche and baked potato, which he wouldn’t previously have touched, and ate four slices of garlic bread.  At dinner, he spied the leftover profiteroles from Joe’s relatives’ Boxing Day family lunch, and was bribed into eating a fruit pouch.  That was followed by both profiteroles, a large piece of Stollen, and a whole cup of juice.  His total formula intake today?  500ml.

We’re not there yet.  He still doesn’t like the texture of anything runny, he won’t touch sauce, and vegetables are apparently the work of the Devil.  I was surprised that he ate the profiterole after the inital touching and poking, and still asked for more.  I don’t think it’s a taste issue, but to do with texture: it certainly explains why he’ll eat purees but nothing lumpy or slimy.

So, there we are.  My insight of the year: to do with taking away milk (and therefore being the meanest mother in the whole, world, ever, or so David will tell you) and making David eat Real Food.  It works.  I shouldn’t be scared to make parenting decisions and worry about what other people will think, because we need to do what works for us.  I needn’t worry about David’s reaction, because he’ll survive.  I am starting 2010 more confident as a parent than I ever was, and it’s fantastic.


Filed under baby led weaning, David, Food & Drink, pictures

Christmas 2009

I’m participating in the Best Of 2009 Blog Challenge.  Every day this month, I write something different about what’s happened this year.  Today, a special Christmas post about the best gift of 2009.  Also, there is another photo from today over at the Daily Photo.

This time last year, we left hospital in the winter sunshine, wondering what on earth we’d created and how we’d survive.  It’s been a wonderful year in many, many ways, but it’s been hard.  And we’re not doing it again.

Christmas this year has been all about David.

Paper was ripped and parcels were unwrapped.

Boxes were played in.

New garages were played with.

Footballs were hugged and headed.

And Wilfred had a great time with his sock monkey:

David’s favourite present (and our favourite of his!) is by far and away the simple, no-batteries-required, quiet football.  Mine is the morning of advanced driver training from Joe, and his was the wooden bricks that my parents bought for David!  The best thing ever, though, was spending Christmas as a family.  Here’s to many more to come.


Filed under Best Of 2009, David, Family, pictures


I’m participating in the Best Of 2009 Blog Challenge.  Every day this month, I write something different about what’s happened this year.  I’ll write a proper post about this on David’s actual birthday in three days’ time, but for now, here are PICTURES!

David didn’t strictly arrive in 2009.

He arrived on the 23rd December 2008, eight days early.

Fast-forward a year, and we have this.

Bloody hell.

I’ll write more about David on his *actual* birthday, the 23rd.  We’re off to enjoy some cake for his first first birthday party!  (He’s having two.)

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Filed under Best Of 2009, David, pictures

Word of the Year 2009

I’m participating in the Best Of 2009 Blog Challenge.  Every day this month, I write something different about what’s happened this year.

Awesome.  This year has been really, truly awesome.  Look at this photo of my nearly-one-year-old and deny it.

Nope?  There we go.  Awesome.

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Filed under Best Of 2009, Family, pictures

Tea of 2009

I’m participating in the Best Of 2009 Blog Challenge.  Every day this month, I write something different about what’s happened this year.

Writing about the best tea of 2009 would imply that I’m a tea drinker.  I’m not.  I’m not even a tea-maker, unless it’s for photography purposes, or when Joe’s feeling particularly unwell and not drinking beer.  I can’t stand coffee: when I was pregnant, the smell of it made me throw up.  So, here’s the confession.  I am utterly, utterly addicted to coke.

Well, Diet Coke.

I drink far more than is good for me.  During the day, I average a scary number of cans, mostly down to the need to be awake, juggle the phone, the camera, and the computer, and look after a toddler who is into EVERYTHING he shouldn’t be.  When we go out, I’m usually/always the designated driver: I don’t mind, I don’t like drinking in public much anyway.  I hate fizzy water with a passion that burns, and I don’t drink most fizzy drinks as I really don’t need the sugar.  So, the one option… Diet Coke.

I’ve tried to quit and failed.  I managed caffeine-free diet coke for about a month in the first trimester of pregnancy, and then went back to restricting myself on the hard stuff.  I’ve tried to wean myself off by slowly replacing it with water and green tea.  Didn’t work.  I tried going cold turkey a few times.  Never again.

So, that’s it.  I’m giving up on giving up.  I shall embrace my coke habit and the ridiculous amount of money it costs me.  And next time Joe moans about buying recyclable cans instead of bottles, I’ll remind him how much beer he drinks.  And then he’ll shut up.


Filed under Food & Drink, Musings

Best Packaging of 2009


Seriously.  Whoever thought of this and came up with the marketing campaign deserves a medal.


Filed under environment


I’m participating in the Best Of 2009 Blog Challenge.  Every day this month, I write something different about what’s happened this year.

See this little boy here?  He doesn’t sit still, like, ever.

This is often a problem.  We still live in a small flat; it’s winter, so we can’t use the garden; David’s bedroom is David-safe, but everywhere else he has to be either strapped down or closely supervised.  The weather is horrible at this time of year, and he’s only just walking, so trips to the park happen once in a blue moon.  This is why we spend most afternoons in the best place in the world, ever: a soft-play centre a half-hour drive down the road.

I know I come across as slightly obsessed, but most of the pictures of David at the Daily Photo are taken there.  They have the biggest baby and toddler area in the country, with lots of lovely sensory things for babies.  It’s incredibly well thought-out, and David adores it.  His absolute favourite are the fish in the bubble tube.

I love it too, of course.  It’s very reasonable to get in.  The food is good: standard soft play centre fare, but just really, really nice.  (There’s a nice balance of healthy and unhealthy: David has started asking for chocolate buttons when we go there.).  The most wonderful thing is that he can run, well, high-speed crawl around in complete safety, and tire himself out nicely.

I’m going to let the pictures do the talking.


Filed under Car, Recipes, trips, Uncategorized


I’m participating in the Best Of 2009 Blog Challenge.  Every day this month, I write something different about what’s happened this year.

After a difficult day, I am finding it hard to remember a peaceful moment this year.  Things are so busy, so rushed, so stressed: I rarely sit down for longer than five minutes, unless it’s to work.  I know that I have letters and emails to write, photos to edit, clients to recruit; however, I am getting as close to peace as I can by writing, writing and thinking about the good things that I have, and staying positive.  I’ll find peace and calmness through it, even though it will last for at most five minutes before it is shattered.

When David had just turned eight months old, we paid a visit to the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth, Devon.  He relaxed completely and took it all in, then he stayed chilled out for the rest of the day.  Nothing else had ever had that effect on him before, and until recently, nothing since.

A few months on, I decided to fork out £25 for annual membership of the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham.  We’ve been twice since, and each time David has completely relaxed.  He’s quiet and calm, but talkative: fish seem to turn my little whirlwind boy into a breeze.  They focus his attention in a way that nothing else can.  There is one tank right at the beginning that he loves: we have to walk up the slope to find somewhere to park the pushchair, but as soon as he sees it he gets excited and wants to get out.  It’s on his level, and he sits still in front of it and takes everything in, and points to bits that interest him.  When asked, he pointed out spotty fish, thin fish, fish with whiskers, rays, and yellow fish.

We spent nearly four hours there today.  He’s sleeping so, so well tonight, and I’m finally at peace for five minutes at a time.

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Filed under David, Family, pictures, trips

Best Night of 2009


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Filed under Best Of 2009, pictures

Best Restaurant Experience of 2009

I’m participating in the Best Of 2009 Blog Challenge.  Every day this month, I write something different about what’s happened this year.

My best restaurant experience of 2009 is going to occur in about an hour, when David has woken up from his nap.  We’re going to get in the car, drive to McDonalds, and eat the dirtiest cheeseburger ever.  And then I’ll feel better about tidying up all day and my ENTIRE living space still looking like a bomb has hit it.

Also?  David will have chips, not a fruit bag or carrot sticks.  Who even likes carrot sticks, anyway?

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Filed under baby led weaning, Best Of 2009, David